Mama, It’s the Cross!
December 15, 2010
Where’s Gracie?
January 17, 2011
Mama, It’s the Cross!
December 15, 2010
Where’s Gracie?
January 17, 2011

The Princess


Grace Aged:
2 years, 3 months

It’s that time of year again. You know, when things start to look a bit bulky, and I’m not talking about the oversized sweater I wore on Christmas. I’m talking about the chub I wore underneath that sweater, compliments of my seasonal feast of too much pie and “Who Roast Beast.”

It’s always a bit of a rough patch for me this time of year. The pounds clump on like chunks of cold butter… but don’t seem to melt off quite as nicely. I am bombarded by the images of air-brushed beauties, and stepped-up advertising for weight-loss programs trying to capitalize on everyone’s lethargic mush getting motivated by New Year’s resolutions to “Lose 10 pounds in 10 weeks!”
The voice of the enemy whispers in my ear… “Not thin… not pretty… not beautiful to a single soul… your youth is gone… your metabolism is shot so why bother? Have another piece of chocolate instead… ”“UGH!” to that little extra pinch at the waist. “Ugh!” to the 15 lbs of post-Grace weight I have YET to shed (now joined by three holiday seasons of winter feasting.)
Yesterday in my glum moment the Lord sent me a new voice to replace the enemy’s taunting. It was the voice of Gracie speaking His truth to my ears, reminding me to internalize my own “preaching” of His truth. Perhaps you remember the piece I wrote a few months ago “Bye, Princess?” Well, the Lord thought I needed a little reminder of that lesson.
I just emerged from a shower tucked into my bathrobe. I leaned forward to twist the towel round my wet hair and sighed about my extra inches. As I came upright there was Gracie looking up at me and smiling.
“Oooooo, Mommy… you a’ princess! You wear a princess hat?”
I smiled as my chest tightened, “Yes! Do you like it?”
“I wike it. You wear a princess dress?” she pointed to my flowing bathrobe.
“Yes, indeed!” I say twirling around to make it swish.
“You a princess, Mommy! Dance! Sing a princess song!”
And in a moment better than Cinderella’s Godmother showing up with her magic wand I was transformed. My fifteen- year-old bath robe became a robe of royalty with no need for finely produced ladies’ undergarments especially designed to smooth over flabby bits…. My wet green towel became a royal crown, with no need for an hour of hair-taming heat by my state-of-the-art ionic blow dryer…. And my red blotchy face free of concealer and blush was transformed to the face of a beautiful princess, with no need for goops, buffs, powders or puffs.
I was no longer just a rural frumpy middle-class mommy wilted wet from the shower, but now a daughter of royal birth clothed in beauty, revitalized by the “rain,” transformed into a “Princess.”
How, then, could I refuse Gracie’s request?
So, I sang…
and I danced….
as she smiled and admired…
And as she swirled and twirled with me the Lord’s voice overcame the jagged darts whispered by of the enemy of my soul with that gentle truth I know, saying….
“I knew you before you were born…”
“You are fearfully and wonderfully made…”
“The King is enthralled with your beauty…”
So how are you, today brothers and sisters? What weighs you down today, sons and daughters of the King of kings and Lord of lords? Do you need a reminder too?
Whatever “blemish” —physical, emotional, mental or spiritual— weighs heavy on your heart today… toss it away!
Hear the voice of the King, the artist who made you for His pleasure— Saying : “You are my dearest, most valued treasure!
I, the King lay down for you my life,
I love you… I love you more than life….”