The Ambiance

A Secret Life – The Invitation
August 13, 2024
Giving in Secret Part 1: The Full Extent of His Love
September 10, 2024
A Secret Life – The Invitation
August 13, 2024
Giving in Secret Part 1: The Full Extent of His Love
September 10, 2024
Known and Loved
Known and Loved
The Ambiance

Today we aim to create the ambiance of The Secret Life. The goal is not to create a check-list, but rather to reorient our hearts. In this episode we  unpack a couple of classics in literature that help illustrate how to motivate our hearts toward the pursuit of a Secret Life with God. In unpacking these great works of literature we will see reflections of the gospel that will help orient our hearts toward Jesus. In John 15:9 Jesus says: “As the Father loved Me, I also have loved you; abide in My love.” Jesus says “I love you like God loves you. Stay in relationship with me, stay close to me, stay wrapped in my love.” He is saying: I treasure you! Treasure me! I am the only treasure that can’t be devalued! I love you above all else! Love me above all else! I call you precious, you are my own, make me your own! I am your One True treasure, your one true friend and your one true love!