Salt and Light

I Want the Good God
February 13, 2024
When Did We?
March 12, 2024
I Want the Good God
February 13, 2024
When Did We?
March 12, 2024
Known and Loved
Known and Loved
Salt and Light

In our next couple of episodes we are going to focus on Psalm 16:5-6. In this segment we are assured that the Lord has set us up for a certain purpose. Who we are, our identity, is directly connected with God’s purpose for our lives. Our “telos” as the Greeks referred to it- our purpose is another aspect of our identity shaped by God. The Lord intends us to be “salt & light.” But what does that mean for us in todays’ world? Who are we? We are people who love God and love others. They will know us by our love.